The Application of Thermo-Spraying of Aluminum and Zinc Coating to the An- ti-Corrosion of Oil Tanks
Graphical Abstract
The application of thermo-spraying to anti-corrosion of oil tanks has some distinguished advantages such as good anti-corrosive effect, long period of service and low cost of upkeep. In the paper, the anti-corrosive mechanism, the design of coating, the selection of coating material, technology and process of thermo-spraying of aluminum and zinc coating applied to oil tanks have been recommended and analyzed in details. Because of the different anti-corrosive mechanism of aluminum and zinc coating, the range of application of it differs greatly. In dry or moist air with carbon dioxide, zinc coating is more effective, while in polluted and marine environment aluminum coating is better. The composite coating of aluminum and zinc that keeps the advantages of both aluminum and zinc and improves the shortcomings of them respectively has an outstanding protective effect compared with aluminum or zinc coatings. Yet, it requires future development and improvement.