Cathodic Protection in Sixian Oil Pump Station
Graphical Abstract
Some problems may occur when applying conventional CP system to a oil pump station which is characterized by limited working area, concentrated production facilities and related pipings, numerous branchings, and complex piping systems. It is the distinguishing feature of local CP system that the subject to be protected is a complex of metallic structures located in a limited area. Based on the practice of CP in a localized pump station, it is pointed out that ①primary subject for CP shall be the bottom plates of oil tank, followed by buried or underground pipeline as well as related facilities; ②the reasonable range of polarized potential for local CP shall be -0.85~-1.20 V; and ③ deep well anode is the preferred choice to other anode bed alternatives for local CP system. With the stray current interference going with application of this technique, highly resistant potentiostat plus zinc alloy anode system is used so as to increase drainage protection and eliminate further unsafe factor to the local CP system.