On Modified Crude Oil Pipeline Transportation Process
Graphical Abstract
Introduced in this paper are the shortcomings in heated oil transportation.tne development 01 moameu oil transportation, and the applications of chemical modifying technology in China. The basic principle of modified crude oil transportation is to minimize wax deposition, change the wax's structural strength, and delay the presence of oil gelatification, either by means of controlling working conditions or adding a certain kind of chemical product. The methods used can be grouped into two categories; physical (heating)and physichemicaKaddithive treating). Chemical pour point depression is applicabac only to paraffinic-base or hybrid-base oil. that is. the waxy oil. Almost all effective depressants contain long hydrocarbon chain and polar polymer. Its effectiveness comes from the comform of the number of carbon atoms to the carbon number in wax. Optimum depressing performance, depends on such technological conditions as additive charging temperature, treating temperature, rate and mode of temperature degrading, ultimate treated temperature, etc. Modification performance shall be evaluated according to the enterprise standard of CN-PC, and shall be supported by all-round investigation. Some specific questions in application of modified oil transportation are discussed in detail. It is anticipated that modified oil transportation has a promising future.