The Necessity of Applying Heating-for-Viscosity Process in Pumping-Heating Station
Graphical Abstract
Laboratory test data are analysed for the viscosity of pipe transported oil from Shuguang pump station in Liaohe oil field, and the heating-for-temperature technology ts compared with heating-for-viscosity technology with the latter's advantages introduced. The heating-for temperature technology can acheve the reduction of oil viscosity, but not to that of viscosity fluctuation. As a reslt, when used as fuel for the pump-heating station, the discharge oil with a undulating viscosity is low both in operability and combustion efficiency in the heater. Heating-for-viscosity technology can realize stable oil viscosity, thus averting the drawbacks in the heating-for-temperature technique. In order to improve the management of oil transportation and cut down transporting costs it is necessary to adopt heating-for-viscosity technology in pump-heating station with either manual or automatic temperature control.