Give Full Play to Superiority of Pipelines and Speed up Product Pipeline Construction
Graphical Abstract
Despite of the fact that railway transport is in great demands in China, product oil transportation has been still relying on railway, which not only causes the loss and high cost but also requires two way transport capacities. But pipeline transportation has the superiority of less land occupation, high continuity, less investment and loss, being highly automated and convenient for operation and management. Therefore it is an ideal transport means in complex transport system. Even though the above phenomenon was noticed long ago, no comercial product pipeline has been constructed so far in China. The main reason is that there has not been a permanent body in charge of product pipeline planning, construction, administration, working out corresponding policy/rules, organizing and performing necessary investigation evaluation and development of new technology. The writers suggest in the paper that bodies concerned should organize mongoraphic study on planning of product pipeline development and associated policy so as to provide the above authorities with scientific basis for decision making.