Reinforcing Measures to Avoid Furnace Wall Deforination
Graphical Abstract
Boxlike and spring type furnaces are traditional types of furnaces in long distance pipelne transportation. Heavy-duty brick wells are normally adopted for these kinds of furnaces. But influenced by the factors of expanding for heat and shrinking for coldness. in the layer of fire resistive bricks such phenomena are often noticed as internal tilting. concaving-convexing and cracking. To solve the problem, detail investigations were conducted with the conclusion: fire breaking of the fire tie resistive bricks among the three brick 1ayers (fire bricks. insulation bricks and red bricks) is the main reason causing the damages to brick walls. In order to increase the tie brick strength. when maintenence of the furnace is being carried out, keep the original tie bricks. add reinforced fire Tesistive bricks of concrete together with heat resisting stainless tie rods. The two technical measures can guarantee the integrety of the wall body. The furnace well. after being reinforced. has not been found to have. the same phenomena as is mentioned above in the past two year operation. Thus well solving the problem of deformation which usually occur to heavy-duty furnace walls. And this kind of reinforcing method can be widely used in all kinds of brick furnace walls.