Best CAD Resource A llocation Model for Design Comnpanies of Petroleum Industry
Graphical Abstract
In accordance with the concrete conditions of the design companies of petroleum industry, CAD resource allocation model for figure planning with the additional description of cer tain restrained conditions and the implication of objective function. For solution. a method of solution calculation is given through analysis on model char acteristics and turning the original model into lnear planning. Computers are changing in large extent with time going by in their functions. cost, reliability etc. for the above Teasons. analysis is done on sensitivity according to the cost. depreciation for service life. percentage of drawings by computers. and other factors like the application status etC. And finally discussed in the article is the practical situation of some design companies in petroleum industry' with the writers own points of view given on such matters as workstation drawing software introduction and development. increasing efficiency of a single computer. setting up networks, personnel training and periodical maintenence.