Construction of Coal Slurry Pipclines is Tnnperative in China
Graphical Abstract
China is rich in coal resource. the annual output is rapidly increasing. therefore rallway transportation can not meet the need of the development of coal industry. and neither can it be suitable to the present situation of Reform and Open Policy. It is pointed out in the paper that the construction of long distance coal slurry pipelines is obviously necessary and pressing as well. The article proves the technical and economical superiorities between construction of pipelines and that of power plants built at the entrance of pits for railway transportation. The Writer briefly introduces the development of Coal slurry pipelines. research and break through in slurry transportation technique since 1950s, as well. the design and operation experience of the coal slurty pipeline jointly designed by the engineers from the former USSR and Italy. This pipehine was laid for the purpose of industrial experiments, completed by the end of 1980.Initlatlng from Belove and terminated in New Siberia.