Starting a Looping in PuLin Pipeline-Additive Injection Replaces Heating
Graphical Abstract
Troubles faced by the PuLin pipeline are discussed. Tests showed that the pourpoint depressant can be used to reduce pourpoint and viscosity and improve static and dynamic stability of crude oil in pipeline under various conditions. The suecess led to reach a solution of the troubles in starting the line without heating. The use of additive for starting the line without heating must meet the following requirements: (1) pourpoint of treated oil must be lower than grouad temperatureat that time; (2) in filling pipeline the discharge pressure of pump station must be lower than pipeliae allowable operation pressure; (3) crude must be stable in flow charateristics. Additionally, a diagram of an injetion system is explained. The pipeline commission cost is onc half as compared with preheating crude with heater.