Flowrate Estimates of Pipeline Effeciency on Yufo Gas Pipline
Graphical Abstract
A new empirical equation for tuburence flow was concluded with transporting parameters, gas qualities and operation data baged on the production operation on the Yufo gas trunk pipeline. The comparison of calculating values from the new equation and measuring values from the Yufo pipeline brought about 2 percent of error, up to 5 percent percent of the maxmum, Comparison of-measuring values and calculation values from Weymouth, Panhandle, and recent All Soviet formula brought the common error betweeen 25 percent and 80 percent, individuel error up to 90 percent. The author indicated that the new emperical formula can use as calculating formula for the flow region of mixed friction, adapting for business managment, design calculation of new pipeline, prediction of pipeline purge, and detection of leakage.