The Numeric Analysis of Technology Calculution Transporting Heated Crude Oil on Pipeline
Graphical Abstract
The method in this article is on the basis of Leybinzong fromula and heat balance differential equations which conduct Soohow formula, introduces three variables, crude oil density, viscosity and specific heat capacity, linearizes the non-linear equations by finite element method, gets a solution with electronic computer.Adopion if finite element method provides a consideration of more factors affecting on heat transporting crude oil pipeline, reaches more correct results, and the following conclusion.1. Adoption of finite element method can introduce the effects caused by friction heat and the physical propertios of crude oil as temperature variation, it leads to a high accuracy calculation.2. The friction heat and crude oil properties give a considerable affects on the hydraulic calculation, but less affects on the thermal calcuation.3. Soohow formula is in a big deviation, not to use when the velocity greater than 1 m/s.4. Leybinzong formula is in a small deviation, available for calculting when the velocity is from 1-1.5 m/s.