The Impact of Specific Heat of Crude Oil upon the Pipeline Heat Conductivity and the Heater's Effeciency
Graphical Abstract
So complicated are the working surroundings around oil pipelines that there are a great deal of factors exerting an influence on oil pipeline operation such as the soil composition, water ratio, sub-water level, the regular changes of atomospheric and land temperature along the way it passes throgh, the wax precipitation of the waxy crude oil in the course of transport. Therfore, it is customary to parameters calcualtion, and preassume some technical then make some revision, in of which is the specific heat C of crude oil. This article lets know tho method to calculate the spectific heat applied in Da Qing on field, the impact of specific heat upon the oil pipeline heat copductivity, the calculation of the heater efficiency by means of positive equilibrium, and points out that the specific heat of crude oil is an unnegligble technical parameter.