Inspection and Test of the Heater with thermal medium U.S.A
Graphical Abstract
The article deals with the delivery, inspection and test of 400×41.868MJ Heater Witth thermal medium made in ICOLIBES Company U.S.A with American on one side and Chinese on the other. It briefs the heating system and flow path scheme, and explains in detail the ways to test it and how to calculate, as well as the general layout of test points. While testing and calculating the effective heat, the Chinese side, thinking the test time limited, makes use of simplified formulas to calculate the cotient of the extra air in smoke, the smoke heat loss, the chemical and mechanical inadequate burning loss. It also gives out in the article, the heat rejection of every single unit of the whole system and works out the curve of the surface temperature heat based on measured data. In the end, the article presents all the data measured at Xiong Yao pump station on January 25, 1986, and points out some problems urgently to be solved in economical load, overload capacity, overload time, exhaust gas temperature, instruments associated, control system, and the accessories supplied along with it, in order to have this imported equipment better serve oil transportation.