Stress analysis and structure optimization for pre-stressed concrete exterior wall of large-scale LNG storage tank
Graphical Abstract
The exterior wall of large-scale LNG storage tank is generally formed from pre-stressed concrete, and its stress distribution and deformation are relatively complicated, thus only a small number of relevant studies are found in China. This paper proposes the control equation for the maximum offset of longitude pre-stressed reinforcement of tank's exterior wall towards outside and the computation for the position of maximum hoops stress of ring-shape pressure containers in order to obtain the control equation and stress location computation for the maximum distance of shifted longitude pre-stressed reinforcement from the inside of tank. Further, it offers equations to relevant parameters based on the border conditions and brings forward the structural optimizations for shifted longitude pre-stressed reinforcement towards outside and partially-established ring-shape pre-stressed reinforcement thereafter. Numerical simulation is carried out with ADINA finite element software and validates the derivation correctness with theoretical formula and reasonability of structural optimization via comparative analysis between the theoretical computation and numerical simulation results, which provides a theoretical foundation for the design and construction of domestic LNG storage tank.