Numerical simulation of the influence of blasting vibration on buried oil pipeline
Graphical Abstract
In order to ensure the safety of buried oil pipelines during blasting construction, the impact of blasting vibration on pipelines was simulated with the ANSYS/LS-DYNA fluid-solid coupling method in combination with the earthwork blasting of Shugang Avenue in West Harbor Area of Yantai adjacent to the buried oil pipeline. Based on the numerical simulation, the maximum vibration velocity at different sections of the pipeline and the ground surface directly above the sections were counted, and the obtained data were analyzed and studied with the least squares method. The results show that the vibration velocity simulated based on the fluid-solid coupling method is basically consistent with the measured results, it is feasible to study the impact of blasting vibration on the buried oil pipelines with the simulation method, and it is necessary to take into account the fine sands during the simulation study for the fine sands around the pipeline is protective to the pipelines. Furthermore, the functional relationship of the maximum vibration velocity of the pipeline cross-section and that on the surface directly above the cross-section was determined, and the maximum allowable vibration velocity of the ground safety above the pipeline during the field monitoring is 1.982 cm/s. The research results could provide reference for determining the allowable vibration velocity of ground safety for similar blasting works adjacent to buried oil pipelines.