Experimental study on heat radiation distribution of adjacent tank wall under fire conditions
Graphical Abstract
The main factor of oil tank fire spread should be attributed to the fire's heat radiation. Affected by the heat radiation transferred from the flame of the firing tank, adjacent tanks are easily ignited and may cause a widespread fire in the entire tank farm. In order to study the distribution rule of heat radiation on tank wall when adjacent tanks are exposed to heat radiation, the small-sized experimental device of the heat radiation influence of burning tank on adjacent tank a smallscale experimental device for the influence of tank combustion on the heat radiation of adjacent tanks was established to conduct the experimental study on heat radiation distribution of adjacent tank wall under fire conditions. The experimental results show that under fire conditions, the adjacent tank wall in front of the firing tank is most exposed to radiation. The heat radiation drops gradually from the tank roof to the tank bottom and symmetrically from the center line to both sides. As the L/D(L is the distance between two adjacent oil tanks, and D is the diameter of the oil tank) ratio increases, the heat radiation on the adjacent tank decreases. The experimental data can provide a reference for the heat radiation research of adjacent tanks under fire conditions, and is of great significance for preventing adjacent tanks from being ignited and preventing fire and explosion accidents in tank farm.