Technologies based on HPPP method used in high pressure and high flowrate natural gas metrological verification station
In existing high-pressure natural gas metrological verification stations in China, only the mass-time method (mt) is used in the primary standard devices. The Wuhan Branch of National Station of Petroleum & Natural Gas Flow Measurement studied the technological process, the composition and technical indicators of the standard device and the delivery and traceability methods of natural gas flowrate measurement value. And accordingly, it established the high-pressure natural gas metrological verification station with the High Pressure Piston Prover (HPPP) as the primary standard device, developed the complete support technologies, and completed the delivery and traceability system of natural gas flowrate measurement value so as promote the progress of domestic natural gas metering level. Besides, it provided the test data and evaluation results on the primary standard device by comparing with the technical indicators of existing international primary standards of high-pressure natural gas. It marks the primary standard of Wuhan Branch of National Station of Petroleum & Natural Gas Flow Measurement has reached the international advanced level.