Risk assessment on landslide hazard in the region of earth covered tank farm
Graphical Abstract
Landslide risk assessment is an active hazard control measure and an important method to evaluate quantitatively the damage effect of landslide on oil tanks. By virtue of landslide risk assessment, the maintenance of tank farms is improved from the undirected and passive mode to the foreseeable and active mode. In this paper, a certain earth covered tank farm in South China was taken as the study object. Its on-site investigation results and collected data were combined to establish the landslide risk assessment index system for earth covered tank farms according to the landslide risk assessment index. Firstly, ASTE GDEM 30 m-precision Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Landsat 5 TM remote sensing images are processed, and thematic maps of slope analysis and vegetation cover in earth covered tank farms are plotted. Secondly, considering the swarm nature of landslide disaster, it is proposed to turn DEM grids into points by using GIS and then import them into Matlab for risk assessment operation, and to import the risk assessment results again into the ArcGIS for pointto- grid conversion. And accordingly regional risk assessment zoning maps based on comprehensive fuzzy discrimination method are prepared. And thirdly, the risk assessment management system of earth covered tank farm is designed according to VB+Assess database, and 7 module functions are realized, including user login, data loading, information inquiry, data base, data download, risk assessment and system help. This method can be used as the reference for the risk assessment on landslide hazard to earth covered oil tanks.