Full-scale burst experiments on dented pipeline
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, full-scale burst experiments were conducted on the dented pipelines to assess accurately the pressure bearing capacity of dented pipelines. After the information of dented pipelines was collected, including the deformation of dented pipelines, the strain in dented areas and the characteristics of splits, the failure behaviors and mechanisms of dented pipelines were analyzed. It is shown that in dented pipelines, strain in the dented areas is higher than that in the farfield when the internal pressure is increased, and the stress around the dent is more concentrated. Based on full-scale burst experiments, the yield pressure and burst pressure of the pipeline are 10.1 MPa and 10.5 MPa, respectively. In reference to the related standards and the design regulations, the allowable bearing pressure of the pipeline section to be tested is determined as 3.88 MPa. It provides the technical reference for the safe pipeline operation and engineering decision.