Engineering analysis for in-place strength of subsea pipelines based on American Standard System
Graphical Abstract
All offshore oil and gas development projects in Southeast Asia and North America areas are required to be designed in accordance with American Standard System. Accordingly, all offshore engineering design institutes are required to use American Standards accurately and properly to perform engineering analysis for strength of subsea pipelines. With consideration to latest editions of ASME B31.8-2012, API RP 1111-2009 and other codes, this paper systematically reviewed on-position strength calculation method and stress calibration principles for subsea pipelines. In addition, methods for calculation of wall thickness, earthquake analysis, together with engineering analysis for on-position strength of subsea pipelines under curved routes and other conditions have been introduced. Furthermore, proper design coefficients for such conditions have been highlighted. On-position strength calibration and analysis have been performed for subsea pipelines by using American Standards for a project in Indonesia. Resulting conclusions have gained acknowledgement of overseas clients. Such researches may provide valuable references for engineering design and calibration of subsea pipelines in Southeast Asia and other regions.