Quantitative risk assessment for fire hazards in large-scale crude oil tankfarms
Graphical Abstract
This paper reviewed scenario involving domino accidents of pool fire within fire dike of crude oil tankfarm. In addition, procedures for quantitative risk assessment of domino effect have been highlighted: detection of accident in early stages, calculation method for consequences of accident in early stages, matrix for hazard possibilities related to domino effects in tankfarm, ranking of risks related to domino effects, correction of possibilities related to accidents in early stages, risks of individuals, safety clearances and other key procedures. To facilitate the calculation of possibilities related to domino effect through computer programs, model for damage matrix possibilities have been established to reflect mutual impacts of storage tanks by using matrix. By using risk indexes to determine risk levels within tankfarm, it is possible to simplify processes for generation of accident scenarios. Taking the 10×104 m3 storage tank as an example, consequence model and possibility model for accidents involving pool fire have been deployed to analyze pool fire accidents. Relevant results show that storage tanks located around the center of the tankfarm have the highest risks for domino effects. With domino effects considered, all storage tanks have possibilities related to initial accidents increased; level of risks shall be one order higher in locations around the tank with accident. Accordingly, impacts of domino effects to fire protection distance of storage tanks shall be considered.