Modular design and application of station buildings for long-distance pipeline
Graphical Abstract
In the 2nd West-to-East Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Project, modular building design method is used in a large scale for the firsttime, which has comprehensively improved the design level of station buildings and guarantee design quality and progress of the project.Basic concept of the modular design, relationship between modularization and standardization as well as the problems in modular buildingdesign to be solved are discussed. Pipeline station buildings are characterized by more types, large scale, changing station environmentand complexity of design conditions, increasing demands, crucial design requirements, complex building functions and frequent designcoordination. By means of the modular design method, the station building monomer is first divided into the office building module andproduction building module by functions, and the secondary modules is classified by demands, next to the room modules. Basic principlefollowed is to use fewer changes to cope with more changes, simplicity coping with complexity and integration coping with dispersion. Inview of existing problems, a continuous improvement idea is proposed, that is, optimization of building module design, improvement ofmodule connection design and development of new technology modules, etc.