Experimental simulation of emulsification condition of heavy oil/water two-phase flow
Graphical Abstract
7 kinds of oil and water samples collected from inlet and outlet of typical heavy oil mixed with water gathering pipeline in Shengli Oilfield are taken as research objects. Based on emulsified water content in the oil/water medium of some actual pipeline, an experimental simulation to determine emulsification condition of actual oil/water flow is made, and emulsifying property of different heavy oils is tested and analyzed to comparatively analyze the similarity of viscosity-temperature characteristics of simulation emulsified oil and actual emulsified oil. The paper discusses different oil/water mixtures' relationship between phase inversion point and actual oil/water flow emulsified water content under the corresponding simulated emulsification condition. The results indicate that complete emulsification of extra heavy oil mixed with water needs more mixing time than common heavy oil. The mixing time required for the complete emulsification of common heavy oil is in direct correlation with watering rate and mixing time required for the complete emulsification of extra heavy oil has no significant relation with the watering rate. Indoor simulation emulsified oil is similar to actual emulsified oil of pipeline in the viscosity-temperature characteristics and the phase intersion point of simulation oil/water emulsion fluid is basically the same with emulsion water content of corresponding actual pipelined oil/water flow. Therefore, indoor simulations can be made to determine the emulsification condition of heavy oil for watering transportation.