Dynamic Response of Suspended Pipeline under Excited Vibration of Supports
摘要: 悬空管道常因支座扰动的激励而发生振动, 为此, 计算中引入固定系数, 模拟相邻跨对于计算跨的约束, 从而将单跨的和多跨的悬空管道都归结为单跨梁, 并采用简化的Euler-Bernoulli梁受迫振动微分方程, 求解了几种常见约束边界的悬空管道对于支座扰动的动力响应。Abstract: The little displacement of supports can induce vibration of suspended pipeline. In this paper, the fixing coefficient is used to simulate the restraints of adjoining spans, then single-span and multi-spans suspended pipeline can be regarded as single-span beam. Based on the simplified differential equation of excited vibration of Euler-Bernoulli beam, the dynamic response of suspended pipeline with common retraints under displacement of supports has been analyzed.