20 000 m3外浮顶罐浮盘及支柱失效分析
Analysis on the Failures of Floating Roof and Supporting Legs in a 20 000 m3 Tank
摘要: 对一座20000m~3外浮顶罐浮盘及支柱的失效进行了理论分析, 认为支柱减薄是引起浮盘失效的直接原因。同时指出, 若在油罐支柱无意外减薄情况下仍然采用现行的支柱设计原则, 在单盘及两个浮舱进油后不采取合理措施, 此时停罐落盘, 则浮盘和支柱仍要发生事故。因此, 进行支柱及浮船的稳定性枝核, 细化储罐的操作规程并采取相应措施, 此类事故是可以避免的。Abstract: An analysis on the failures of floating roof and supporting legs in a 20 000 m3 tank has been made. It is considered that the thinning of the leg-wail is a major cause of the floating roof's failure. Meanwhile, it is pointed out that if the current design principle for supporting-leg is still to be adopted, the failures of floating roof and supporting-legs will not be avoided as yet when a large quantity of oil is unexpectely stored on the floating roof and any 2 pontoons. Therefore)conducting stability checking for the supporting-leg and floating roof and taking effective countermea-sures against the failures, this kind of accident can be avoided.