Isolation and Purging in Pipeline Hot Work
摘要: 随着时间的推移, 输油管道将不同程度地出现防腐层老化现象, 造成管道腐蚀穿孔跑油, 因此在管道受腐蚀未穿孔之前, 必须对管道进行大修, 更换受腐蚀严重的管段。在更换管段时, 先要对管道进行隔离, 然后进行扫线, 最后进行焊接动火作业。对长输管道干线及站内工艺管道的隔离、扫线和动火步骤进行了综述。Abstract: As time goes on, the pipeline coating will get to age in varing degrees, which leads to the perforation and leakage of pipeline. In this case, rehabilitation of pipeline and replacement of corroded pipe section have to be made. During the replacement, pipeline is insulated, then purged. Only after finishing these can the hot work (welding) begin. The paper overviews the insulation, purging, and steps of hot work for long distance pipeline and pumping station pipeline.