Cause Analysis of Boiler Tube Rupture of DZS1-0.7-Y Steam Boiler
摘要: 新民输油站1t蒸汽锅炉炉管破裂主要原因是由于水处理不完善, 锅炉附件用材不当及锅炉热水与水蒸汽切换频繁造成的。通过改选联合水处理系统使处理后的水质完全符合国家规定标准; 采取更换新炉管, 改进鳍片以及减少锅炉热水与水蒸汽的切换次数等措施, 对1t蒸汽锅炉的炉管失效进行改进, 保证了输油站的正常输油。Abstract: The boiler tube of DZS1-0.7-Y steam boiler ruptured in Xinmin pump station in 1993. The study and analysis showed that the imperfect water treatment, unmatched accessary of boiler and frequent switchovers between water and steam were the rupture cause. The modification has been made against the rupture: adopting combined water treatment system to improve the water quality; replacing the fins and reducing the frequency of switchovers.