Correctly Estimating the Heat Efficiency of Heat Medium Heater
摘要: 热媒炉是输油企业重要的耗能设备, 长期以来, 一直采用传统的热效率概念来评价热媒炉能量利用程度, 从“(火用)”的角度来看, 上述评价不够科学, 容易产生误导, 模糊了对节能工作的认识。根据热力学原理, 通过理论分析和具体实例计算来说明这一问题, 以期另辟节能蹊径, 达到节能降耗的目的。Abstract: Starting from the viewpoint of exergy, the author considers that estimating the energy utilization of heat medium heater with the concept of heat efficiency is not strict in science. Therefor, according to the second law of thermaldynamics, the author analyzes and calculates a concrete case to find out the other way of energy saving so as to reduce the energy consumption.