Experiences on Constructing Pipeline in the Swampy Forest Regions of Northeast China
摘要: 哈依煤气管道工程建设需要穿越林区沼泽地, 遇到了一些特殊的工程地质问题, 通过对这些问题的处理, 取得了宝贵的经验, 介绍了该管道穿越沼泽地时设计施工的具体作法。该片沼泽的稳定性和物理力学性质均属于第三类, 是很不稳定的流动性泥炭, 厚度为2.4 m, 冬季沼泽土冻结深度为0.8 m, 周围土壤冻结深为1.8 m, 沼泽土解冻期比其它土壤延迟1~2月。介绍了管道穿越沼泽地设计施工工作程序和管道敷设方案, 在沼泽地建设管道难度大、费用高, 选线时应力争绕过沼泽, 如果无法绕行, 应选择一条泥炭层较薄的路由; 施工时应先修筑施工便道, 投产后保留检修便道, 管道护堤上部泥炭土中应掺入适量的矿物质泥土, 以利于植被生长, 防止泥炭在干燥季节被引燃。Abstract: During the construction of Harbin-Yilan Coal Gas Pipeline which goes through swampy forest regions, unfamiliar geological problems arise. In the course of problem-solving, valuable experiences are obtained. Introduced in the paper are the specific techniques applied in the engineering and construction of the project. Being of Class Ⅲ in stability and physical properties, the marshlands encountered consist of weak, movable peat of 2.4 m thickness. The frozen thickness of the swampy soil there is 0.8 m in winter months and thawing time comes 1~2 months later than in other areas. The areas around the marshland have a frozen depth of 1.8 m. As for the construction of the pipeline in the marshland, the following considerations are given: in order to facilitate construction and cut down construction cost, the section in the marshland shall be as short as possible and shall be so located as to pass through the areas having a thinner peat layer; construction road shall be built beforehand, and be duly checked and repaired after completion of the project; the upper peat in the pipeline bank protection shall be mixed with a certain amount of mineral soil so as to ease vegetation growth and prevent the peat from igniting in dry seasons.