Necessity and Suggestions for Carrying Out Pipeline Risk Analysis
摘要: 《油气储运》杂志1995年刊载的《油气管道风险分析》一文提出了一个重要课题, 对我国开展油气管道风险分析工作具有现实的指导作用。在长输管道运行中, 常常由于第三方的破坏、管道腐蚀、设计中存在问题及误操作等因素而造成事故, 影响安全运行, 甚至危及人们的生命财产, 例举了这些因素造成的一些事故, 说明开展管道风险分析的重要性。根据我国长输管道的实际情况, 提出了在进行管道风险分析时对引起管道事故诸因素的分类、各因素所占的比例、单项评分等问题的建议。Abstract: The paper points out that the article"Risk Analysis on Oil and Gas Pipelines"(See OGST, 1995)has put forward a subject which is of directive importance for carrying out pipeline risk analysis in China. Risk analysis is proved important with some actual pipeline failures due to third party damage, corrosion, mal- operation and incorrect design which resulted in unsafe operation or even loss of life and properties According to the actual conditions for long distance pipelines in China, suggestions for earring out pipeline risk analysis are given on classification of pipeline-failure causing factors, proportion and scoring of each factor, etc.