An Example of Successful Design for Pipeline in Concentrated Waters Region——The design of Jing-Wu Ethene Pipeline
摘要: 金山—吴泾的乙烯输送管道, 途经长江三角洲水网密集地区, 又临近上海市区, 人口稠密、建构筑物多、工程复杂、难度大, 管道设计要求较高。这次设计的成功, 为水网密集地区建设管道取得较丰富的经验。在介绍该设计主要特点和经验的同时, 又提出了四点建议。Abstract: Crossing over the concentrated waters region in the Yangtze River delda, being adjacent to Shanghai where exist dense population and buildings, the Jingshan - Wujing ethene pipeline needs critical design and construction. Despite of the complexities and difficulties, the desigh is successful and experiences have been obtained for the pipeline construction in such regions. The main features and experiences in the design are introduced and four suggestions are put forward in the paper.