Restoration of Evacuated Oil Tanks by Injecting Water
摘要: 通过对某油库一被吸瘪油罐的修复, 叙述了在目前国内用过的几种修复吸瘪油罐的方法中较为优越的注水加压法的技术问题, 较详细地介绍了注水加压法修复吸瘪油罐的实施步骤及注意事项。介绍了注水加压法较其它方法的优越性: 适用范围较广, 不受油罐容积、破坏程度及构筑形式的限制; 省力、省功、劳动强度小, 需要设备少, 使用经费少。指出2000m3以下的油罐, 用注水加压法修复, 所加压力不会超过油罐所能承受的压力, 可以不在罐外加支撑。但大型油罐应对其所能承受的压力进行核算, 不但要严格控制对油罐施加的压力, 使其不超过油罐的承受能力, 而且, 为安全起见, 有必要在罐外加以支撑。由于注油加压法危险性太大, 建议严禁采用。Abstract: Described from the technical point of view are the restoration of an evacuated tank by injecting water, its working procedure and points for attention. Discussed are its advantages over other restoring methods: applicabability (independent of tank volume, damage, and tank type), labor economy, low equipment requirement, and cost effectiveness. External support can be disregarded during restoration for a tank with capacity upto 2 000 m3, which has enough bearing capacity against water pressure. But for a larger tank, its bearing capacity shall be evaluated, water pressure on tank strictly controlled and external suppprt installed for purpose of safety. Pressurization with oil is prohibited due to' its dangerous potential.