The Influence of Oil Temperature on Density Measurement
摘要: 测定原油的密度和含水量是油港原油测试的两项主要指标, 但是, 长期以来原油来油交接与装船外运时测试的密度差值较大。这一差值严重影响着国家和企业的利益, 为此大连油港在两年时间内, 经过多次测试发现, 影响因素主要来自于人为和自然两个因素。所谓人为因素即是指人在操作过程中出现的误差; 而自然因素则是指除人以外的其它技术方面造成的误差。由于大庆原油属易凝原油, 具有高含蜡、高凝固点、高粘度特性, 当加热温度高时, 原油中的蜡晶得到充分熔化, 具有较好的流动性, 粘度降低, 所以使加热温度为40℃时测出的密度比37℃时测出的密度小。当加热温度提高到40℃以上时,再继续提高温度, 所测的密度换算成标准密度趋向于定值, 最佳测试温度为40~41℃。因此在测试过程中应该严格执行密度测试标准(GB/T 1884—92)的规定, 选择最佳测试温度, 保证被测介质具有充分的流动性, 油样搅拌均匀, 克服人为因素对测试结果的影响。Abstract: As one of the critical indices for the measurement of port oil, the density of crude oil for custody and loading has been suffering from large measureing errors long since, resulting in considerable losses to national and enterprise benifits. To conquer this problem, Dalian Oil Port Office, in two years, carried out a series of tests, finding out that the errors are from both artificial and natural factors. The artificial errors are committed by the techincian during operation, whereas natural errors are created due to improper technique rather than personnel. With the nature of quick solidification, the crude oil of Daqing is characterized by high wax content, high pour point and high viscosity. At high heating temperature, the wax crystal in it will be thoroughly melten, and the crude oil will be more flowable and less viscous. As a result, the density of the oil measured at 40℃ is smaller than that measured at 37℃. At a temperature higher than 40℃, the reduction of measured density intends to be aconstent comparing with the standard density. though the optimal measuring temperatureranges from 40℃ to 41℃. Therefore, the optimal temperature shall be selected for density measurement as specified in national standard (GB/T 1884-92), so as to keep adequate oil flowability and uniform samples and to eliminate the artificial influence on measurement.