于兴鹏. 大容量JJ1启动柜停止按钮双触点问题探讨[J]. 油气储运, 1995, 14(4): 60-62.
引用本文: 于兴鹏. 大容量JJ1启动柜停止按钮双触点问题探讨[J]. 油气储运, 1995, 14(4): 60-62.
Yu Xingpeng. On the Two Normal Close Contacts in the Shutdown Button of Heavy Duty JJ1 Starting Cabinet[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 1995, 14(4): 60-62.
Citation: Yu Xingpeng. On the Two Normal Close Contacts in the Shutdown Button of Heavy Duty JJ1 Starting Cabinet[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 1995, 14(4): 60-62.


On the Two Normal Close Contacts in the Shutdown Button of Heavy Duty JJ1 Starting Cabinet

  • 摘要: 90kW以上的JJ1系列自耦减压启动柜主接触器线圈上串联了一个停止按钮的常闭触点, 使其具备了节能、无声的功效, 即减少了噪音, 节省了能量。但在应用LB(N)Z系列操作柱现场控制电机时, 增加了困难, LB(N)Z系列操作柱在爆炸危险及防水场所中, 不容易对具有两个常闭触点的停止按钮实现控制。通过对JJ1B-200/380-2型自耦减压启动柜电气原理图的分析, 为满足LB(N)Z系列操作柱的组合要求, 若取消另一个常闭触点, 按下停止按钮, 主接触器线圈的释放时间可近似计算得出, 该时间小于人扳把旋钮的意识滞留时间, 整个系统运行正常, 因此可以取消该常闭触点, 完善设备的功能。


    Abstract: The series connection of a normal close contact to the mam contactor coil of a JJ1 series auto pressure reducing starting cabinet can achieve noise silencing and energy saving. But it is difficult with the LB(N)Z series operating stack to control the shutdown button with two normal close contacts in explosion and water hazard place. Through the study on block driagram of starting cabinet, it is concluded that it is feasible to remove the other normal contact for perfecting equipment performance. The reason is that the releasing time of main contactor coil when pushing the shutdown button is shorter than the time delay of the operator's consciousness, and therefore, the system can operate normally.


