马成松. 黄土地区油气管道敷设方案探讨[J]. 油气储运, 1995, 14(4): 35-36, 55.
引用本文: 马成松. 黄土地区油气管道敷设方案探讨[J]. 油气储运, 1995, 14(4): 35-36, 55.
Ma Chengsong. Oil and Gas Pipeline Laying in Loess Area[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 1995, 14(4): 35-36, 55.
Citation: Ma Chengsong. Oil and Gas Pipeline Laying in Loess Area[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 1995, 14(4): 35-36, 55.


Oil and Gas Pipeline Laying in Loess Area

  • 摘要: 在黄土地区敷设长输油气管道, 首先要了解黄土的地质特征及地貌形状, 西北地区的黄土均为第四纪形成的堆积物, 以石英、长石及方解石为主要矿物成分, 地貌呈塬、梁、峁地形。选择管道线路时, 应尽量在平坦、稳定的黄土高原的原面上埋地敷设, 走向最好沿等高线, 避开滑坡、水土流失严重的冲蚀地段及直接跨越深冲沟地段, 尽量满足综合安全、可靠、经济三方面的要求。在施工中, 针对黄土湿陷性对管道所带来的危害, 应采取防水排水、合理选择管材、局部加固地基等措施, 对水土流失严重的地段, 可采取沟头打桩与种植植被相结合的措施, 保证管道的安全运行。


    Abstract: It is necessary to be in the know of the geological features and general configuration of the loess before laying long distance oil/gas pipelines in loess area. The loessial lands in Northwest China are all of Quaternary accumulational matters mainly consisting of such minerals as quartz, feldspar and calcite, with the land-forms being plain, ridge and dune. Pipeline shall be laid following the principles as below: going with the level and stable surface of the land; extenting along the contour line; avoiding scoured sections having serious landslip and soil and waler loss, as well as deep gully sections; meeting the comprehensive requirement of safety, reliability and economic feasibility. Duing construction, such measures as flood control and draining, rational line pipe selection, local reinforcement of foundation, etc. shall be taken to prevent the effect of collapsible soil on pipeline. Safe operation can be guaranteed in the section having serious water and soil loss by taking the combined measure of pile driving at the end of ditch and vegetation planting.


