Treatment of Rock Fractures and Prediction of Water Level Trend for Underground Storage
摘要: 水封石洞式地下油库是利用地下水的天然埋藏条件, 人工开挖的储油石洞, 是洞周围岩体和储存于其中的裂隙水共同组成的储油容器。使储油石洞在运营期间处于地下水位以下, 洞库排水时能保持最小的排水量及最小的水位降落值, 且洞库中的油品不向外渗漏的关键是如何对岩体裂隙进行处理, 并对裂隙处理后的洞库区地下水位动态作出较准确的预测。以黄岛地下水封石洞油库为例, 介绍了在对岩体裂隙及裂隙水基本特征的研究基础上, 制定的优于国外同类工程的岩体裂隙处理原则及水位动态预测新方法。这种裂隙处理原则是基于以毛细裂隙水为主的完整性较好的岩体, 少量的重力水对毛细裂隙水有控制作用, 对重力水带裂隙作注浆封堵即可控制洞库最小的排水量。毛细裂隙水在排水条件下会产生强烈的水跃现象及较大的水跃值, 根据实验结果给出了水位动态预测公式。经黄岛地下水封石洞油库验证结果表明, 是可行的和偏于安全的。Abstract: Water sealed underground storage, an oil storage cavern artificially excavated taking advantage of the natural conditions of ground water, is the oil container consisting of the surrounding rocks and the fractured water stored herein. What is essential is to properly treat the rock fractures and then precisely predict the ground water level trend, so as to keep the oil stored in cavern below the ground water table within its service life, keep minimum displacement and level drop during drainage, and prevent the oil from percolating through the cavern. Taking the water sealed underground storage cavern in Huangdao as an example, the paper introduces the principle for the treatment of rock fractures and the new method for the prediction of water level trend, which are set up based on research on the characteristics of the fratured water, and which are superior to foreign correspondents. This principle is based on the integral rocks mainly consisting of capillary fractured water. The small amount of gravitational water controls the capillary fractured water, and the control of minimum displacement can be achieved by plugging the fractures containing gravitational water with cement. The capillary fractured water will result in strong water jump with great value during draining condition. The formula for predicting water level trend is presented according to the experimental results. The treatment and prediction are proved to be feasible and safe through the practice on the storage cavern in Huangdao.