On Low Flow Operation in Wei-Jing Pipeline
摘要: 随着东部油田开采接近晚期, 魏荆线(魏岗一荆门)的输量逐年递减, 选择经济合理的输送方式是一个重要课题。用添加降凝剂输送原油, 降低了进站温度, 两泵两炉运行时, 全年最低输量为135×104 t; 间隙输油也是降低输量的一种措施, 根据管道局的有关规定, 魏荆线采用间隙输油方式时, 全年可停输67次, 最低输量135×104 t/a; 在管道输油量过低的情况下, 采用正反输是一种比较合理的选择。通过对这三种输油方式经济效益的比较分析, 认为只要设备、仪表先进及炼油厂配合, 若年输量在168×104~135×104 t之间, 魏荆线输油可采取间隙输油方式; 年输量为135×104 t以下时可采用正反输运行方式; 如果降凝剂的成本降低, 则加注降凝剂输油是一种更加经济的措施, 加注降凝剂输油有比较广阔的前景。Abstract: With the approaching of the late production period of the oilfields in east part of China, the throughput rate of Wei-Jing (Weigang-Jingmen) Pipeline decreases progressively year after year, which requires an economical and rational transport mode. The oil transportation with depressant has cut down the requirement of inlet temperature to stations, and reached the lowest throughput rate of 1.35 mt/a with two pumps and two boilers runing in one station; Intermittent transportation is another way to flow reduction. According to the relavent regulations specified by Pipeline Bureau, Wei-Jing Pipeline operation with intermittent transportation can shut down 67 times with the lowest throughput rate of 1.35 mt/a; For lower rate requirement, forward and reverse pumping is a rational alternative. The economical comparisons made among these three methods indicate that, with advanced equipment and instruments and cooperation from refinary, the choice shall be intermittent transportation for a throughput rate ranging from 1.68 to 1.35 mt/a and forward-reverse pumping for a rate lower than 1.35 mt/a. If the cost of depressant can be cut down, transport with depressant will be a more economic choice. Transport with depressant is a promising method.