An Account for Pigging the Aershan—Saihantala 0il Pipeline
摘要: 介绍在阿赛输油管线建成后进行的第一次清管工作,记述了此次清管的全过程。对这次清管前后所出现的各种问题、及所采取的各种措施均做了详细的记载,总结了管选施工及清管中的经验教训。对今后的工作有一定借鉴。Abstract: It is the first pigging work after completion of the Aershan—Saihantala Oil Pipeline Project. The paper includes an account of the whole pigging process. It keeps a detail record of different problems appeared before and after the pigging work and of various measures adopted thereupon. It also concludes the experiences and the lessons in pipeline construetion and pigging work, thus has some reference for the future work.