Resistance-reducing Technic Application in Petroleum Pipeline of Our Country
摘要: 文中介绍了减阻剂的减阻机理;减阻剂在我国长输管道上试验、应用的情况;并分析了油品粘度对减阻效果的影响。指出减阻技术在国内未能普遍应用所存在的问题;同时强调减阻技术在解决产、供、销的矛盾中, 应作为首选的应急措施考虑, 才能做到经济合理。Abstract: The resistance-reducing mechanism of resistance-reducing agent, the trial and application in trunk pipeline in our country, the effect analysis of oil viscosity are introeu-ced. The problem to affect application of resistance-reducing agent are stated, the author put emphasis to the first pressing measure under the contradiction conditions among production, delivery, and sail to ensure economic rationality.