Scale-up of critical velosity and wear rate of slurry pipeline
摘要: 本文指出了矿浆管道输送系统的设计目前大多数仍需要通过试验来求取参数,而且属于模型规模的试验。将小型试验成果放大并应用到工业规模的设计是待解决的问题。文章讨论了沉积临界流速和管道磨损率的放大问题,评述了放大倍数对放大后数据的精度影响,同时采用了大量试验数据对各种放大方法进行了可行性验证。Abstract: A common practice in designing slurry pipeline is scaling up data from model test to real flow situation. Considerations are given to the problems involved in the adequacy of scale up. Critical velosities to maintain solids in suspension and wear rate of pipe are discussed. The effect of magnification on the accuracy of scale up is reviewed. Also, various scale up techniques using extensive data are veritified for its feasibility.