Mixture of Heavy-and Light-oil as a Solution for Transporting Crude Oil by pipeline from the Northern Xinjiang oil fields
摘要: 文章结合北疆地区稠油凝点低、含胶质高、粘度大的物性,讨论了稠油外输方案。经过大量的摸索和试验,认为稠稀油混输方案比较切合实际。文中还给出了稠稀混合油量的科学配比。该方案经过了克—乌输油管道的实际运营,取得了5年累积降低运费和节约固定资产投资3750万元的经济效益。Abstract: Consideration is given to the oil properties from the Northern Xinjiang oil fields, high pourpoint, high asphaltene content and high visicosity. Following the initial test, it is found that the mixture of heavy-and light oil mixed in suitable proportation is practical for pipeline transportation. Following the commercial test in Kara-may-Urumqi pipeline, this method allows a saving of 37, 5 million yuan per year during 5 years.