朱成平. 我国长输原油管道技术改造的科学决策问题初探[J]. 油气储运, 1988, 7(4): 1-3.
引用本文: 朱成平. 我国长输原油管道技术改造的科学决策问题初探[J]. 油气储运, 1988, 7(4): 1-3.
Zhu Chengping. AProliminary Probe into Scientific Policy-Making in Technical Traasformation of Crude Oil Pipelines in China[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 1988, 7(4): 1-3.
Citation: Zhu Chengping. AProliminary Probe into Scientific Policy-Making in Technical Traasformation of Crude Oil Pipelines in China[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 1988, 7(4): 1-3.


AProliminary Probe into Scientific Policy-Making in Technical Traasformation of Crude Oil Pipelines in China

  • 摘要: 长输原油管道建成投产后,伴随油回开发的初、中、晚期将引起负荷的巨大变化所带未的能耗巨增。为适应客观条件变化所必须进行的抗术改遭以瓯我国长输管道所存在的节流损失、结培、输油泵和加热炉效率等问题。作者提出:对技术改追方案,必须从经验决策逐步走向科学决策。除了解决企业管理体制和节能的经济政策外,企业本身还必须建立不同层次的科学决策程序;对重点管道的技术改造,应瞄准当代先进水平,引进关键设备和技术,从引进、消化、吸收到移植、创新实观一体化;抓紧带方向性的关健技术和节能设备系列的研究,以掌握技术改造的主动权。


    Abstract: After commisioning of a pipeline, the consumption of energy will tremendously in-creased which is brought aaout owing to the dramatic change of load in the early, middle and late phase of the oil field development. For the technical transformation necessary for keeping step with the objective changing conditions and coping with the problmes such as throttling loss, waxprecipitation, the efficiency of oil pumps and furnaces alongside with pipelines, the author puts forward a technical transformation pogramme attaching importance to the gradual change of policy making, substituting scientific for empirical one.In an addition to enterprise management system and energy economization policy, there must be set up the scientific policy making programmes of different dgreeses. For the technical transformation of major pipelines, it should be aimed at the modern advanced level, import of key equipment and technology, thus realizing the unification of introduction, digestion, absorption, transplantation and improvement.


