The Monitoring Unit with a Micro-Processor for Cathodic Protection of Oil and Gas Pipeline
摘要: 油气管道阴极保护的微机监测装置, 就是采用单板计算机来实现的。其主要功能是采集阴极保护的基本参数, 定时打印记录, 并对故障状况进行监视, 基本实现阴极保护站的自动化控制, 可以达到无人管理的水平。Abstract: The microprocessor supervisory and control system for cathodic protection of oil and gas pipelines is realized by using a monolithic processor, whose major function is to acquisition the basical parameters, punc hthe records regularly, and monitor status of defects, basically realize the automatic control of cathodic protection stations, thus may be to unattended operation.