蒋新生, 周磊, 蔡运雄, 周东亮, 陈日, 秦希卓. 基于多孔类抑爆材料的储油容器爆炸抑制实验[J]. 油气储运, 2023, 42(10): 1158-1165. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2023.10.009
引用本文: 蒋新生, 周磊, 蔡运雄, 周东亮, 陈日, 秦希卓. 基于多孔类抑爆材料的储油容器爆炸抑制实验[J]. 油气储运, 2023, 42(10): 1158-1165. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2023.10.009
JIANG Xinsheng, ZHOU Lei, CAI Yunxiong, ZHOU Dongliang, CHEN Ri, QIN Xizhuo. Explosion suppression experiment of oil storage containers based on porous explosion suppression materials[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 2023, 42(10): 1158-1165. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2023.10.009
Citation: JIANG Xinsheng, ZHOU Lei, CAI Yunxiong, ZHOU Dongliang, CHEN Ri, QIN Xizhuo. Explosion suppression experiment of oil storage containers based on porous explosion suppression materials[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 2023, 42(10): 1158-1165. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2023.10.009


Explosion suppression experiment of oil storage containers based on porous explosion suppression materials

  • 摘要: 为获得最适用于储油容器的多孔类抑爆材料,选择铝合金网状抑爆材料、球形非金属抑爆材料、网状聚氨酯泡沫抑爆材料等3种代表性材料,在密闭容器中开展油气爆炸抑制实验,探究其抑爆机制,分析其抑爆演变过程,对比其爆炸特性参数。结果表明:“冷壁效应”“器壁效应”及爆炸波抑制理论在油气爆炸的抑制中均起到了重要作用,但各种抑爆机制在不同材料条件下的贡献不同。在使用铝合金网状材料、球形非金属材料抑爆时,容器内超压得到抑制,但火焰因扰动作用而快速发展,爆炸发展迅速;在使用网状聚氨酯泡沫材料抑爆时,火焰、超压都得到了较好抑制。以最大超压峰值和爆炸威力指数作为评价指标,网状聚氨酯泡沫材料的抑爆性能明显优于其他两种材料,表明其在油气安全防控领域有着重要的工程应用价值。


    Abstract: In order to obtain the most suitable porous explosion suppression material for oil storage containers, the gasoline-air mixture explosion suppression experiment in a closed container was carried out with the three representative explosion suppression materials, such as mesh aluminum alloy, spherical non-metallic material and reticulated polyurethane foam. On this basis, the explosion suppression mechanism was studied, the explosion suppression evolution process was analyzed, and the characteristic parameters of explosion were compared. The results show that the "cold wall effect", "wall effect" and explosion wave suppression theory all play an important role in the suppression of gasoline-air mixture explosion, but various explosion suppression mechanisms have different contributions to the cases with different materials used. When the mesh aluminum alloy and spherical non-metallic material are used to suppress the explosion, the overpressure in the container is inhibited, but the flame develops rapidly due to the disturbance effect, causing the explosion generated rapidly. When the reticulated polyurethane foam is used, the flame and overpressure are well controlled. Herein, the maximum overpressure peak value and explosive power index were taken as the evaluation indexes, and the reticulated polyurethane foam has much better explosive suppression performance than the other two materials. It is indicated that the reticulated polyurethane foam has important engineering application value in the safety monitoring and control of oil and gas.


