SINOPEC undertakes a complex task to conduct the batch transportation of various crude oils to refineriesthrough multistage branch pipeline network. In this paper, a planar graph for data dimensional reduction was adopted tocontrol the monthly oil transportation scheduling of multistage branch pipeline network. And eventually, the schedulingmethod based on feedback flow diagram was developed by taking the time as X-axis and the station as Y-axis, presenting theoil types with colors and the oil batches with heavy solid lines, and defining the tank reserves of crude oils with solid foldfine lines, the top and bottom limits of tank volume with red dash fine lines and the flow directions of crude oils betweenstations with color dash fine lines. By virtue of this method, the global relevance between monthly oil batch and tank reservein each station and its graphical representation are realized, and the irrationality of batch scheduling is fed back intuitively, and dispatchers are inspired to perform tradeoff optimization on the inconsistent target between the batch stability and theenergy saving. And eventually the running plan of the whole network in an entire month is worked out efficiently.