In this paper, the commissioning of Tianjin port-Huabei Petrochemical crude oil pipeline was taken as an example to study the effect on temperature field by different commissioning processes of insulated hot oil pipelines, i.e., forward transportation, or forward and reverse transportation. The inlet temperature of each station in the commissioning processes of forward transportation and forward and reverse transportation and the safety shutdown time and temperature drop rate in the case of shutdown of each station during the commissioning were simulated and calculated using the hot oil pipeline commissioning calculation software while temperature, transportation rate and total heat transfer coefficient are kept the same. It is shown that when the stations satisfying the same conditions of inlet temperature are shut down, the stations in the commissioning process of forward and reverse transportation are longer than the ones in the forward commissioning process in safety shutdown time and lower in shutdown temperature drop rate. It is recommended to adopt the mode of transportation to strengthen the commissioning safety of hot oil pipelines. (6 Figures, 5 Tables, 26 References)