To promote coordinated development of natural gas industry in Shaanxi Province, and eliminate the gap between natural gas supply and demand, the composition of natural gas supply, growth of natural gas consumption, and the ever increasing gap between natural gas supply and demand in Shaanxi Province have been reviewed. By analyzing the load distribution and operation characteristics of long-distance natural gas pipelines and gas consuming features of natural gas users, major factors that may affect the natural gas supply and demand balance in Shaanxi have been identified as the imbalance between natural gas supply and demand, imbalance in loads of natural gas pipelines, and imbalance in demands of end users. Accordingly, a mathematic model has been constructed to predict annual natural gas consumption and peak-shaving volume for the next three years in Shaanxi. With consideration to predicted volumes and major influential factors, countermeasures have been proposed. To maintain natural gas supply and demand balance in Shaanxi, it is necessary to secure natural gas supplies of various types from different directions. In addition, it is also necessary to expand the natural gas market and optimize structures of users to share peak-shaving tasks on different levels.