Liquid nitrogen pre-cooling method for the unloading manifold pipe at Shandong LNG terminal
摘要: 卸料管道预冷是确保LNG接收站顺利投产试运行的重点工作, 既可防止管道温度变化过快造成管材损坏, 也可检验和测试低温设备的性能及质量。山东LNG接收站为了缩短LNG船舶靠泊时间、降低接收站运营成本, 提出了在首船接气前采用液氮预冷卸料总管的方法: 由于山东LNG接收站卸料总管较长, 将其分成A、B、C段进行渐进式预冷, 当管道顶底部温差超过10 ℃时, 关闭隔断阀门, 憋压至0.2 MPa后进行爆吹以消除温差; 为了方便操作与控制, 按照0 ℃、-30 ℃、-60 ℃、-90 ℃、-120 ℃、-150 ℃温度节点来调整汽化器的工况, 以控制预冷速率。实践结果表明: 该方法安全性高, 可操作性强; 在预冷过程中, 管顶与管底温差控制在30 ℃以下, 预冷速度应低于10 ℃/h; 分段渐进式预冷法有利于减小管道顶底部温差, 可减少预冷时间、提高预冷效率, 并缩短LNG船靠泊时间约7天。Abstract: Pre-cooling of unloading manifold pipes is the key to ensure the smooth commissioning of LNG terminals. Because it can not only prevent pipes from being damaged by the fast change of pipe temperature, but also test the quality and performance of low-temperature devices. In order to cut down the berthing time of LNG ships and reduce the operation cost of Shandong LNG terminal. Therefore, it was proposed to pre-cool the unloading manifold pipe by using liquid nitrogen before gas receiving of the first ship. In Shandong LNG terminal, the unloading manifold pipe is fairly long, so it is divided into three sections (A, B and C) for progressive pre-cooling. When the temperature difference between pipeline top and bottom is more than 10 ℃, it shall be eliminated by blowing the pipe explosively after the pressure is built up to 0.2 MPa by turning off the shutdown valve. In order to facilitate the operation and control, the working conditions of the vaporizer shall be adjusted on the basis of temperature nodes of 0 ℃, -30 ℃, -60 ℃, -90 ℃, -120 ℃ and -150 ℃ so as to control the pre-cooling rate. Results show that this method is highly safe and operable. During the pre-cooling process, the temperature difference between pipeline top and bottom shall be kept below 30℃ and the pre-cooling rate shall be less than 10 ℃/h. This method is favorable for decreasing the temperature difference between pipeline top and bottom, reducing the pre-cooling time, improving the pre-cooling efficiency and shortening LNG ship berthing time by about 7 days.