Although the application of CO
2 displacing oil, water flood recovery and oil-water mixed transportation technologies saved the investment cost, it increased risks of CO
2 corrosion failure of oil-water mixed transportation pipeline in the meantime. Full-transient multi-phase software OLGA is applied to combine the oil-water multi-phase simulation and numerical simulation of CO
2 corrosion prediction, and the influence of riser angel, riser height, inlet temperature, processing capacity, Cl
- concentration, HCO
3- concentration and inhibitor MEG concentration on pipeline internal corrosion of CO
2 containing oil-water mixed transportation pipeline has been studied. Results indicate that in some extreme development conditions, the bottom of the riser is the high-risk area for corrosion failure, which demands high corrosion allowance at the bottom of the riser; Cl
- concentration and inhibitor MEG concentration have similar influence on the corrosion rate in oil-water mixed transportation pipeline, both of which have a critical value. Once this value is exceeded, the influence on corrosion rate will change significantly.