Through the analysis of landslide disaster risk and accidents induced by disaster in buried oil storage tank zone, 14 landslide disasters in 4 types (i.e. geomorphic and geological conditions, protection capacity in tank zone, induced disaster conditions, and historical disaster conditions) are selected as risk assessment indictors for factors which have major influences on buried oil tank zone. Traditional analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to establish the indicator system. The principle of comprehensive extension method and calculation process is presented. The comprehensive risk assessment model of landslide in buried oil storage tank zone based on the improved analytic hierarchy process (IAHP) is proposed. Visual C# 2010 Express is used to carry out program design which is suitable for IAHP to determine the weights, so as to simplify the calculation. Taking the buried oil storage tank in a tankfarm as an example, the risks of landslide in buried oil storage tank zone is rated into 4 levels: high, moderate, low, very low. According to relevant literatures, 14 risk intervals are divided quantitatively. The model-derived results show that although the oil storage tank zone is highly threatened by rainfall and others, it is generally safe, which matches the actual survey.